Images_December_2019_Digital Edition

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT I n the last two weeks, I’ve probably talked to 200 shop owners or more. I’ve chatted with these folks and have either answered their questions or asked my own. It occurred to me that there were some common nuggets in there that I could share. Here are the things I’ve found myself repeating a few times over these last few weeks… Get your money upfront All of it. Cash is king and when you secure 100% of the money for the order, you are in the best financial pos i t i on f or your b us i ne s s. Have a business plan A huge percentage of shop owners don’t have one. Do you? A business plan allows you to focus your efforts on the best target for your sales. Use a calendar to plan Your business-owner brain needs to be six to eight weeks ahead or more. Christmas marketing and relationships are planned and built in August. January sales are planned in October. The reason why your marketing and sales lag behind is usually because it’s all last minute and unfocused. Be a hunter, not an oyster Hunters purposely track and bag their target. Oysters sit on the bottom of the ocean and wait for their food to drop by. Only hunters have sales growth. Strengthen your bench Often, your ne x t em b ro id ery mac hi ne operator, screen printer or DTG printer is already working for you. Train your staff now to replace these key positions so you’re not left in the lurch when your current operator decides to go somewhere else. This is called bench strength. Network with others in the industry You really should be going to at least one trade show and one other educational event per year. If you go, attend the networking events and introduce yourself. You need a business team outside of your shop They should include an accountant, a lawyer, and a business coach. I would also have a good electrician and a decent plumber on that list too. Screen printers are in the screen-making business If you can ’ t prepare your screens with craftsmanship, don’t expect good prints. Use the right tools Invest in the proper tools for this industry. Learn how to use them. Step outside your comfort zone You should be trying scary stuff constantly. This is how you grow. 25 things that every decorator needs to know From crunching numbers to networking and problem solving, Marshall Atkinson explains how to get the best out of your business